
The Martha Educational Foundation (MEF or MarthaEDU) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in the USA. MEF is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service. MEF USA, is affliated with MEF Ghana, an NGO registered under the company code of Ghana, 1963 (ACT 179) as a company limited by guarantee ( Reg. G18021) that operates the PEEP-TERS EXTENSION INSTITUTES in Ghana and beyond."

Our Mission

To facilitate transformation that empowers individuals to achieve their human potential and communities to fully utilize and benefit from local human resources.


To become the replicable model of success in collaborative community services for mental health and addiction prevention and treatment aligned with employment education and career services.


Official Mission Resolution Amended 2011

Therefore Be It Resolved, Martha Educational Foundation is led to move in the direction of providing mental health and addiction recovery to those in need of services;

Be It Further Resolved, that the revised vision of Martha Educational Foundation shall be to orchestrate American and African resources and professionals to empower communities and assist individuals and families to live healthier or more fulfilling lives both in Africa and in the United States through collaborative programs that provide humanitarian services, and mental health, substance abuse and relationship counseling.

Be It Further Resolved, that the revised mission of Martha Educational Foundation shall be providing assistance to (i) persons who are battling substance abuse and mental health issues including counseling, basic health services and other support services, (ii) needy families of persons battling substance abuse and mental health issues, and (iii) other impoverished individuals or families in need of temporary assistance. In addition, the Martha Educational Foundation will provide preventative education regarding substance abuse issues and education on mental health issues.

Be It Further Resolved, that Martha Educational Foundation will help solicit funds in Africa and the U.S. to support humanitarian mission-related projects in Ghana and other African nations to help accomplish this mission;

Be It Further Resolved, that Martha Educational Foundation will collaborate with like-minded organizations in the United States to offer expertise and resources by presenting counseling workshops to help those in need of services to achieve his or her highest potential.


More about Ghana

Board of directors

Board - USA

George Awuah Fosu, Founder & CEO
Henry Anyimadu, MD, Health Director
Lawson Doomah, Administrator, Member
Jim DeLaMater, Operational, Member
Tyler Driver, Executive Director, The Extension, Member


Coordinators of the CPE Program

Professor Emmanuel Y. Lartey, Emory University, Atlanta

Rev. Dr. Jacob Atuahene-Nsowaah, Director of Pastoral Care & Counseling Methodist Health System, Dallas Texas

Board - Ghana

Yaw Boakye Amponsah (YB), Mining Consultant
George Mends, Entrepreneur, SL Events Ghana
John Barnes, Partner Provident Insurance Ltd.
Staff at PeepTers Institute 
Dr Bill Koomson  MD, Psychiatrist, Medical Director
Morrison Fosu, Clinical Psychologist
Akua Afriyie Addae, Clinical Psychologist
Kelvin Worlanyo, House Manager

Martha Educational Foundation Programs
USA Donations are 501(c)3 Tax Deductible